About Us

Redefining the Curbing and the World

Hello, I'm Ryan Blessed, the owner of Blessed Curbs. In the picture above is my beautiful wife Estela and I. I am a friendly, hard working guy that takes pride in what I do. I really enjoy curbing because it takes a lot of skill and an artistic mind.
This will be the fifth summer that I've done curbing. Thanks to my brother in Christ, David Thomas, I have mastered curbing now and am very happy with what we do. I like bringing something special to each persons yard by doing something that no one else does in Calgary. This includes using the latest stamps, making unique/fresh ideas that set the yards apart from all their neighbors!
Though I love what I do for work, my main focus is set on where this will bring me going into the future. Right now, I am pursuing to become a pastor and do pastoral work across the world. My goal, like Paul, is to use work so that I can serve YAHWEH and His purpose! I love Yeshua, and wish to serve Him with everything that we have. I am more than happy to talk about God to anyone who wants to know about him, and like to keep a godly environment for my workers. I believe that everything that I am, have and receive is because of God's goodness in my life.
I am happy to work with anyone who has different beliefs, and I do not force my beliefs onto them. I only answer what is asked of me, unless lead otherwise. In saying this, I encourage all Christian's to use our services as we will regularly give to the church. Thank you to everyone who uses our services, and may God bless us to help make an impactful difference in this world for the kingdom of God! At Blessed Curbs, we strive to make sure everyone's happy!